26 April 2024

All is quiet on New Year's Day

01 January 2024 - Hermanus; Day 11

Here's to this year bringing with it new opportunities and adventures, good health and minimal bumps in the road. Gill and I started it off joining many others with an early morning walk from Grotto Beach to the Estuary and back in a very stiff breeze that whipped the sand around our ankles. We have not yet embraced the wind!

Wind swept Grotto Beach

The surf was rough and I tried to portray some of the sea birds flying low and fighting the wind - Common Terns seemed to be the most prevalent

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

with the occasional Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)

And a few Hartlaub's Gull's

Hartlaub's Gull (Chroicocephalus hartlaubii)

Once back at the house, we had a drive up Rotary Way, taking my father-in-law with, as it was a view of Hermanus that he had not seen before. Obviously, it was even more windy at the higher elevation - but I did get what I believe is a juvenile Jackal Buzzard hanging in the wind

Jackal Buzzard (Buteo rufofuscus)

A good bird for me at one of the view sites was this Grey-backed Cisticola that popped up out of some fynbos and gave us a song - this is the streaked sub-species that may occur at higher elevations?

Grey-backed Cisticola (Cisticola s. subruficapilla)

We ended off the day with good friend Sonja and Guy at their house and sheltered from the wind which hadn't abated all day.

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