25 November 2022

Pentad Bash

23 November 2022 - Northern Farm

I joined Andre Marx and a few Birdlife North Gauteng members for an early morning Pentad bash of this Farm. There was some thunder and light drizzle when we all met just after 6am. As I was under some time pressure, I did a quick circuit of the farm and logged 86 species in just over 2-hours. I think the overcast conditions played a role in keeping some species hidden.

I did manage to find 4 Warbler and 6 Heron species along with Red-chested Flufftail and Blue-billed Teal. Raptors were slim pickings, with only Black-winged Kite for me.

Photographic opportunities were also thin on the ground, but at one of the Cattle Pens, I managed to connect with African Pipit

African Pipit (Anthus cinnamomeus)

Two Red-capped Lark which are good birds for the farm

Red-capped Lark (Calandrella cinerea)

And a co-operative Cape Longclaw, the colours of summer!

Cape Longclaw (Macronyx capensis)

It was a pity I couldn't stay longer, as the sun did clear the clouds later in the morning which would have contributed to an increased count.

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