30 March 2022

GECKO Survey

22 February 2022 - GECKO Conservancy, Midrand

Anton, Richard and I conducted a quick survey at one known site to check on breeding progress for one of the pairs we had found earlier in the season.

Walking to the site, we had an Ovambo Sparrowhawk overhead which is a good bird for the area

Ovambo Sparrowhawk (Accipiter ovampensis)

Once at the site, we checked the suitable habitat and flushed one of the ringed Grass Owls after which we could check the nest. Unfortunately the high rainfall over the past 3-weeks was detrimental to this ground-nesting species and there were no chicks left and the remaining egg had not hatched - so this was recorded as a failed  attempt, but due only to the high rainfall recorded

African Grass Owl (Tyto capensis)

We left the site quite disappointed and on the way back to the car a Cream-striped Owl moth was seen

Cream-striped Owl Moth (Cyligramma latona)

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